Remember Treat Yo'self Tuesday?

It's baaaaaack!

I haven't been able to participate in Treat Yo'Self Tuesday lately because... seriously have you even been reading? I am freaking busy!

Well, today that all changes. (Except the being busy part... that is still a thing)


All of my posts have been geared more toward parents lately and the last thing I want to do is be exclusive so this one is an all skate, every one skate.

Today, the word of the day is EFFICIENCY.  It is more about organization than self-care, but from what I have found if you neglect organization within your workloads you will not be able to effectively relax.

Tuesday's are the only day of the week that I do not work somewhere. All week.  However, my schedule for Tuesday is as follows
5:45 am- Wake up
5:47 am- Use all of my force to push the brew button on my coffee maker
5:48 am- Take the dog out
5:55-7:00 am- Shower, pretend I am going do my hair and makeup to look presentable but actually just stare at myself in the mirror and pluck random hairs that show up on my face (not cool) also make 3 difference breakfasts because everyone hates me and won't eat the same thing
7:01-7:45 am- Beg, plead, bribe, scream, and cry for my children to wake up and eat breakfast
7:45-8:10 am- Make my children look like someone has cared for them and they aren't homeless as they insist on looking
8:25 am- Drop Mae off at school, try to drive off while she is pouting because the sleeve of her coat feels longer on one side than the other
8:35 am- Drop Jude off at the sitter, talk because we deserve to speak to other adults every once in a while!
10:00 am to 12:45 pm- Class
12:45-5:00 pm- FREE TIME **Remember this... it is the point of the post**
5:00-8:30 pm- Class
9:15 pm- Cry as I fold laundry, give Justin a nod hello, and pass out in the hallway

So my point is. I have a lot going on except YOU SAW THAT FREE TIME RIGHT?!?!

During this 4 hour period I could do a million things. Before, I was going home, kicking it, maybe taking a nap... who knows. But then after working a bunch and fitting in all of the other nonsense, I was getting crunched on homework.  I was waiting until the last minute and my quality of work was declining. badly.

The last few weeks, I have been taking this time to work ahead on assignments, polish papers, and apparently- write this blogpost.

Working sucks. School work sucks. House work sucks. BUT by being efficient, we can allow ourselves to accomplish these things and then reap the benefits of our rewards. 

If I am doing something fun, but know I have a million responsibilities waiting for me- I don't appreciate the experience. It stresses me out in turn, I can't enjoy myself. By using this time to do my school work, I can I don't know watch This is Us tomorrow in between my shifts without feeling like a waste of space.

Do what sucks, so you can then do... what doesn't suck
 (I can't always sound like some cool proverb...)

Today, my treat yo'self was delayed but it will be beneficial. I promise.
